I get it, you thought Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was just another anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, election denier nut because the media told you so. Funny enough when I was driving to the metro this morning I was listening to NPR and they were talking about how RFK Jr. was all of these things! So I actually have a lot of grace for people who believe this because the media—and so many within it—are masters at manipulating, lying, and misleading the public. Literally so many people have been told that this guy is the villain of our times, but that‘s just not true. So, what is?
I wanted to write this newsletter to make it easy for people to reference if they ever need to defend Mr. Kennedy against some of the most popular attacks made against him. I want to set the record straight—because real information, honesty, context, and truth matter. And since the media isn’t planning on focusing on these principles, someone has to. So let’s get into it! Here are some of the biggest, nastiest lies the media and top democrats have spread about RFK Jr.
1. The Vaccine Lie: He is NOT Anti-Vaccine, He’s Literally Pro-Safety
Let’s start with the big one: vaccines. If you’ve been getting your information from mainstream outlets, you probably think RFK Jr. is some anti-vaxxer spreading a bunch of nonsense lies. Huge newsflash: he’s not against vaccines, he’s against unsafe vaccine practices.
RFK Jr. has spent years advocating for vaccine safety, questioning whether the current system is putting public health at risk for the sake of corporate profits. I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a person who actually cares about your health. We should know what we’re putting in your body, we should know it’s safe, and we should have the confidence in knowing that it’s been tested to the highest standards for the American public.
But today that’s not happening. Today he’s a ‘villain’ because the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you questioning their business — and you know this is true when stock prices of big pharma companies plummet after President Trump nominated RFK Jr. to head the HSS, as shared by Lauren Lee. It’s not about anti-vaccine rhetoric, it’s about calling out real concerns that get swept under the rug. Ironically, Kennedy is begging people —including the left— to “trust the science.”
There’s also a lot of people who are worried that RFK Jr. is coming for vaccines, but here in this clip below he clearly says, “If you want to take a vaccine you should be able to do it, but we need good science, and that’s all I’ve asked for.” So to push the irony even further, he is very pro-choice when it comes to vaccines as well. I mean, is it crazy to say that people should be able to make these decisions regarding their own bodies? There’s also an 11 minute video that Kennedy Jr. has shared on his personal YouTube channel where he discusses his perspective and stance on vaccines completely and I highly recommend you taking the time to watch it here.
2. The Abortion Lie: His Views Are WAY More Thoughtful Than They’ll Ever Admit.
Yup, we’re going there. Kamala HQ loved to share to their millions of followers that RFK Jr. is the big bad wolf who’s going to blow away women’s rights, but that’s just not it. He is NOT an extremist, and frankly I’ve never seen anyone with a more centrist attitude in this conversation. And no, his position isn’t simple — which is partly where the trouble lies.
Yes, he supports women’s right to choose, but he also wants to have an honest conversation about the moral and health implications of the issue that many on the right advocate for. The reason you never hear this side of the story is because It doesn’t fit into the typical two-party “us vs. them” mentality the media loves to uphold. So, they misrepresent him. The truth? He’s a thinker, NOT a puppet. His position here is that abortion should be legal up until a certain number of weeks, and then restricted thereafter.
Another thing I appreciate about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is that he’s the only person in the conversation that’s advocating for reducing the amount of abortions that are necessary through supporting mothers and families by giving them more resources that’ll help them through this new season. You can see more about his position here. One of my favorite things about Mr. Kennedy is that I remember hearing his position on PBS many months ago, but since then he’s actually developed a new understanding and then made that video. He learned more, and developed a more thoughtful perspective.
This is exactly why the media finds him so hard to handle. Because Kennedy isn’t just spewing some one liner that ignores the nuances of the situation, he’s actually trying to fix so many problems through reasonable solutions. But the reason you don’t hear this is because it’s easier for the media to tell you he’s crazy than it is to share a genuine perspective on a divisive topic.
3. The Cereal Gaslighting: It’s NOT the Same
The New York Times just reported that the ingredients that RFK Jr. is advocating to remove from American cereals are “roughly the same,” when compared to versions from other countries, which is gaslighting 101. Look below to see the snippet from the New York Times.
The truth: RFK Jr. has called attention to the dangerous chemicals and additives that are lurking in the food we feed our children. What the media won’t tell you is that RFK Jr. isn’t just making nonsense claims—he’s speaking out against practices that are actually harmful. Just like the NYT’s reference BHT, Red 40, and yellow 5, these artificial ingredients alone are linked to liver dysfunction, developmental risks, hyperactivity, and other carcinogenic effects. Which is exactly why they’re banned in other countries. Even the NIH knows this and has reported on the toxicology of food dyes. But that’s not a story the media wants you to hear, they just want to tell you it’s safe because it’s “FDA approved.”
I love how the New York Times literally says they’re the same, and then proceeds to tell you precisely how they are not. We are comparing food coloring that comes from FRUITS and VEGETABLES vs. artificial. Here’s a great post from Anna Matson that shows the ingredient list for Froot Loops in the US vs. the same list for Froot Loops in Canada. Say it with me, they are NOT the same!
4. The Fluoride Destroyer: He Wants To REMOVE Fluoride From Water
Now, fluoride and really this entire conversation in general is really interesting to me because I actually was a really big advocate of fluoride being in water because I care so much about dental hygiene and taking care of your teeth, but the more I learned about this topic, the more my perspective shifted. So that’s how I want to go about this conversation because I’m assuming there’s a lot of people who are in a similar boat.
First off, fluoride is good for teeth because it makes them stronger, prevents cavities, and tooth decay. Here’s a research study that covers the effects of toothpastes with different fluoride concentrations if you wanted to be sure. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what’s the big deal about it being in water? If it’s good for us when it’s in our toothpaste, it should be good for us when it’s in our water, right? Makes sense, but as it is in the life: the closer you look, the easier it is to spot the flaws.
According to the National Toxicology Program’s article on Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition, high levels of fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ levels in children. The full article is linked, but here’s a snapshot proving the point.
So this seems to be part of the core of RFK Jr.’s perspective, which he mentions here as he’s talking to an MSNBC reporter. More concerns with fluoride being in drinking water include: bone cancer, arthritis, and thyroid injuries. There’s an incredibly well written thread of this conversation with Bryan Johnson on X, and it is absolutely phenomenal! I highly recommend those who are curious to read it here.
I also love the perspective of Dr. Ben Winters, an Orthodontist and YouTube creator better known as The Bentist to his 7.3 million subscribers, here on X he advocates for this position as well. He says, “People asking me to comment as a dentist … fluoride is good for teeth yes, but tbh between toothpaste and other products in the US and the rise of replacement nHAp this isn’t a big deal tbh. We get plenty of fluoride on average I’m sure without water.”
Key takeaways: it’s really not that fluoride itself is the problem, it’s the overconsumption of fluoride that causes issues. Fluoride is great for your teeth, but through toothpaste and mouthwash. This makes fluoride being added to our water supply — especially when all of these other health concerns are being raised — simply unnecessary. And both of these things can be true at the same time: fluoride can be good for your teeth in the form of toothpaste and mouthwash, but bad for your overall health when in water due to overconsumption.
So even with all this information from government published articles, to the support of health experts, dental professionals, and decades of research, RFK Jr. is still not planning on simply ‘getting rid’ of fluoride everywhere. Again, he’s not the big bad wolf who’s going to come and force everyone to remove fluoride from their water. No, instead he’s the person who believes in educating the public with better information, good science, and then leaving it up to that water districts to make the decision for their communities themselves. Kennedy on MSNBS says, “I’m not going to compel anybody to take it out, but I’m going to advise the water districts about their legal liability, and their legal obligation to their service zones and their constituents. I’m going to give them good information about the science, and I think that fluoride will disappear.”
5. The ‘Unqualified’ Lie: This Man’s a Problem-Solver, Not ‘Just’ a Lawyer
More recently with the nomination by President Trump for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the HHS, there’s this idea that RFK Jr. is “unqualified” to hold the position. Why? Because he’s a lawyer, not a doctor, right? First of all that’s a ridiculous thing to say, and you know it’s only being used to undermine his credibility because the current head of the HSS, Xavier Becerra, is literally a lawyer, and not a doctor, but no one’s talking about that.
Let’s move past that though because let’s be real: anyone who’s actually looked into his track record knows better. RFK Jr. has done more for the environment and public health than most politicians who claim to be experts. He cleaned up the Hudson River, started the Waterkeeper Alliance, and has been fighting to protect our waters and our children for decades. And I want to be clear here, that’s not just “qualified”—that’s someone who gets results. He’s so qualified to serve in a high capacity that President Obama was considering him as part of his cabinet.
This is the same exact energy that Elon Musk brings. If anything, RFK Jr. is exactly the kind of person we need in positions of power. Enough with the red tape and bureaucracy, we’re in trouble and we need someone who knows what to do and precisely how to do it. This is Kennedy’s lane, but to the media? They’d rather you think he’s just a privileged, out-of-touch lawyer. And that’s just a big fat lie.
Why This Matters
I don’t know if it’s fair for me to say that the media doesn’t want you to know the truth. I just think it’s easier for them to sell you a headline than it is to sell you the detailed, complete, comprehensive truth. I also come from the assumption that most people are good, so I don’t want to villainize the people who are part mainstream media, but I do want to shed some light on the truth, as well as call out the lies, misinformation, and misleading statements that are being shared.
I also wanted to make something abundantly clear, RFK Jr. isn’t the villain here—he’s the one shining a light on the things that matter. I remember a friend who used to detail cars, and he’d always talk about how most people don’t see the imperfections in their own cars, but it’s only because no one shines the light on them. Big Pharma, Big Food, and the media are scared of him because they know he’ll expose the truth that they’re so desperately trying to hide. So it’s up to us to pay attention, ask questions, and stop blindly accepting the narrative they feed us.
Things are going to change, but I really believe this is good. I believe Kennedy-and all these other all stars-are going to do two big things: Make America Healthy Again, and push humanity forward.
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Great post, Adam! Thank you for defending RFK Jr. as always! He is so incredibly knowledgable about vaccine safety. I used to be way more pro-vaccine, till I learned the truth about the dangers of the ingredients. Put a bunch of RFK videos on this page, but it's long. https://rfkalltheway.blogspot.com/2024/02/why-rfk-speaks-up-about-vaccines.html The length of your post is great, will share! Also, I don't know if you ever watch the Highwire, but they have a lot of great videos on the dangers of fluoride. https://thehighwire.com/?s=fluoride