Beautifully and articulately expressed, Adam. I am genuinely sorry, however, that this crass person made you feel the need to defend yourself. It has been my experience that you go out of your way to be fair and unbiased, honest but non-judgemental, and, if anything, at times may be overly gracious to those with whom you may personally vehemently disagree. Stay true to the admirable person you are. Your smile, sense of joy, and enthusiasm for life are a breath of fresh air and sunshine in an otherwise somewhat dark and depressing time. We hope you know how much your true fans and followers love you.

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Oct 1Edited

You and Connie say this better than I ever could. If only people were held accountable in a positive way for what they do now! You are surely among them.

I'm glad you made clear that you are not on any candidate's payroll. This inclusive conversation you encourage is for people who are not for sale. God love you! Thank you. Please keep up your extraordinary good work, Adam.

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