RFK has always said he will change his mind when presented with new evidence. I don’t see see any contradiction

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Not necessarily on topic, but this thought just occurred to me (unfortunately it's a bit long for a bumper sticker): The Woke voted for Harris. The Awakened voted for Trump.

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The word "woke" is so overused anymore that ..."the woken are broken" lol I was so frustrated to see the acquisition that Robert Kennedy had to go through to head the Dept. of Health. The innuendos, and insults, that some members of the Congress inflicted on him, were insulting and degrading. To see him sit there and take it, was exhausting, as this group of people try to put him through the wringer to decide if he is to be chosen as head of the Department of Health? I don't care what their background was.....it's not their current position pr former position, as they sit in judgement over a man who is more qualified than any of them. While listening to these hearings, where each person gets to dump on RFK over and over again and again, is an exercise in futility and clearly an endurance lesson. Who do they think they are? A good many (I don't actually know how many) are all taking money from "big pharma" etc. while they pretend, they aren't. The truth is, most are, so they are being paid to resist change. These elected officials are so stuck and single minded, (they've been there too long) and very few are open to change at all. They all behave as if they're "acting out of fear" and they are paid to resist any change, and RFK represents change. They are ready to squash any new suggestion if it strays from the status quo. RFK must the patience of a saint, and must feel completely stifled, and defeated, to see how bad things really are in our congress. His passion for doing the right thing is incredible. It seemed as if his inquisition by Congress is almost like teaching a classroom of resistant children who don't want to learn nor listen to the teacher.

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I love that! Very powerful.

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If you would have told me a year ago that come November I would be enthusiastically voting for President Trump, I would have dismissed you as a crazy person. We don’t know what we don’t know.

Mr. Kennedy has proven he keeps an open mind to all possibilities, and thank goodness for that! He has certainly cause me to think and look at life in different ways. For one thing, I now view all “news” with a very skeptical eye.

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We definitely need to petition for "term limits" for members of our Congress. Diane Feinstein was off on a medical for it seemed like years, at age till 86 or 89 and she was receiving her full salary and benefits. Why come back? I'm waiting for a President to reform Congress. If people have to be carried into Congress to vote, I think it's a sound indication that term limits are essential, which Congress rejects. (and why wouldn't they?) Decades ago, I remember years ago, one Senator who was 100, being carried in to place a vote. That should not be acceptable to the American public. Mitch McConnell is in that position right now. He needs to retire.

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I love the wild stallion comparison. I feel like this next cabinet is filled with wild stallions. And I am excited, relieved and very hopeful for real lasting change in 2025.

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MSM is controlled by big pharm, big ag. No surprise that they want you to hate Rfk jr! The surprise to me is how many absorb these sources & never question or do their own research.

Re fluoride, a light take on it here, "Kennedy, the Kook!” https://open.substack.com/pub/flightjo/p/kennedy-the-kook?r=100zv1&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

You want heavier re fluoride or other science, look up here on substack, GeoffPainPhD

A lot of his writing is over my pay grade, but some great references:)

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