Spot on!! I just spent a week with my parents who have MSNBC going almost nonstop, and every single story is either entirely about vilifying Trump or inserting him as the ultimate bad guy no matter what they are reporting on. I read Google news each morning to keep an eye on the legacy media nonsense, and the headlines alone make it obvious that their lines of reporting are focused on demonizing President-elect Trump.

I’ve been thinking that legacy media is doing non-stop hit pieces on Trump because they are in cahoots with the swamp (which may still be correct), but as you point out it may also be due to the fact they have no one in the DNC hero enough to put on a pedestal.

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Exactly! The Democrats don't have a hero. And in today's world, it's so much easier to rally AGAINST a villain than it is to rally FOR a hero!

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Thank you, Adam. As a politics and news addict for over 70 years (!) I'm trying to wean myself off a little after a heavy 18 months of avidly following RFK Jr. But I'm making an exception for your YouTube show, for which I'm a paid subscriber, and we'll see about the newsletter. If they come up to the caliber of this one, I won't be able to resist!

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Thank you Richard! This makes me really happy to read! I really enjoyed writing this one! My hope is that these conversations just keep getting better and better! 😎🚀

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Adam, you have outdone yourself! This is an excellent piece--carefully thought out and articulately expressed. I echo Cathleen on this: you have hit the nail squarely on the head. I was raised a liberal, and classic, traditional liberalism is and probably always will be embedded in my genes. It is why I, like you, gravitated so strongly toward RFK Jr. I, too, thought he would be the face of the revolution. But just like you, I have come to see that his joining forces with Trump, though alienating a minority of his followers, was a wise move, and ultimately, a brilliant one which contributed greatly to the success of the unity party. However, as you say, it was the entire group of "other guys" whose forces amalgamated into what we are seeing today--a snowball effect that continues to grow, gathering new followers and converts every day. It is a group which I believe can dramatically change the direction of this country. My only concern is the patience of the American people. The swamp and its corruption did not develop and overtake the system overnight, and changes take time, especially when roadblocks are being set before our engine has had a chance to warm up. But given the time and opportunity, I believe this coalition can change not only this country, but the world. Bless you and your work, Adam. We love you!

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Thank you so much Connie! I put a lot of work into this one so I'm really happy you enjoyed it!! 😂 And I completely agree! This might not have been the future that I initially imagined, but I have no doubt that this is a future that is worth fighting for! And thank you Connie, I love you too! 😂🙌🏻

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I never thought about it this way, but you are right on. The left has no hero right now, only villains and division.

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