Another excellent newsletter, Adam. I also want to thank you for introducing your readers and viewers to other podcasters and outlets about which they may not be familiar. This is proof of your authenticity in wanting people to do their own research, listen to all sides, and be exposed to as many viewpoints as possible. Your sincerity and integrity will serve you well in this venue and hopefully bring more and more people to your table. You promote a genuine sense of hope and faith in humanity, and do so by example as well as speech. That is as clear as your ever present smile and laughter, something this world needs more of. While it may take some time for that attitude to catch on after such a negative recent past, I have yet to see anyone as well suited and capable of doing so as you. If you can move me, I think you can move just about anyone.

At the same time, I would like encourage you to feel freer with expressing your own opinions and views without feeling the need to overemphasize that disclaimer. I have greatly appreciated your strong support and promotion of Robert Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan, who have had too few voices speaking on their behalf. As long as you continue to be open and honest when you disagree with even those who we know are your heroes, no one will have reason to doubt that you're the real deal. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Your band of followers cheer you on!

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Thank you so much Connie! This really does mean a lot to me. I really try to be an effective communicator in that way! And for that next part, I'm going to be thinking about this! I do feel like I can be more vocal about some of my views, but I am often very hesitant. Maybe that's something I can really focus on moving into the new year!

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Podcasts and online posts have changed my outlook on everything.

$1.5 Billion!!? They could have gotten more votes if they had spent that on helping the homeless and hurricane victims. You wrote their messaging was everywhere (I saw little to none of it), but I assume they were advertising where their base already exists, and were mainly projecting in their bubble.

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Yes! Their messaging definitely covered a lot of ground, especially in traditional media and TikTok!

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